Sunday, October 7, 2012

For the web, place 2 dots near each other in the N, S, E, W positions. Use ruler to connect dots. Move out a few centimeters and repeat, this time also connecting dots to last group. Make as large as desired. Add plastic spider. Add the cloze facts activity.

Nocturnal Animals

For this nocturnal animal culminating project, I divide the class in thirds. I instruct each third how to draw their designated nocturnal animal. Once class has completed drawings and colorings, I hand out the blank corresponding cloze poems and we work through the correct letters to complete. Each is mounted on 12 x 18 inch black construction paper with foil stars and round reinforcement circles for the nocturnal effect!


This culminating project is about Hibernation and Migration. It uses the same layout format as the spiders in a previous post. Use 12 x 18 in. construction paper. Fold 2 ends to the center, then fold opposite direction in half. Open and cut flaps. Paste facts and visuals. Students contribute fact(s) they recall during study of topic.

Monday, September 24, 2012

                                                                                                 This is the inside of the spider flap book.
In October we study spiders. This fold and cut display uses a 12 x 18 in. piece of construction paper. Fold the ends into the center and crease. Fold opposite direction, reopen, cut to make flaps. Paste on the sections you see here or create your own unit and inserts.
Then we compose the letter together and I write it on an overlay so students can see where all the parts of their letter should appear on the page.